What is it Like to Study Business Administration at UoPeople?
Updated: June 19, 2024

Business administration is a broad field. You can earn your online, accredited degree in business administration at UoPeople tuition-free.
Every business needs those who have a degree in business administration to help manage, organize, lead and maintain its operations. Business administration includes the understanding of all aspects of business from accounting to financing to marketing. Pursuing a certificate program in business administration can be additionally beneficial.
To land a job in business, you’ll at least need an associate degree, but the further you advance in your education, the more opportunities will become available to you. Once you earn a bachelor’s degree or higher, you’re positioning yourself for leadership roles within an organization.
It’s possible to study business administration at on-campus institutions, as well as online universities. The opportunity to earn your degree from an online university like University of the People brings with it plenty of benefits. A few of the most beneficial aspects of earning your degree at the American, accredited non-profit institution include:
1. Flexibility:
Since the school is fully online, students get to choose when they want to learn. This allows for students to continue their education while managing a wide array of responsibilities like raising a family or continuing to work.
2. Quality:
Educators from some of the most reputable institutions around the world volunteer their time to teach at UoPeople because they believe in the mission to offer accessible and affordable education to those around the world who seek it.
3. Tuition-Free:
As part of the mission to make education affordable, UoPeople is tuition-free. Instead, students are only required to pay for an application fee and course assessment fees.
Source: Unsplash
Program Goals
The Business Administration degree program at UoPeople has three main goals, namely to:
- Provide a framework to apply appropriate business models during decision-making
- Cover the skills to perform effectively within a team environment
- Enhance the command of ethical reasoning within business situations
And, because the program is accredited, which means a third-party has audited that UoPeople delivers what it says it will, employers respect the degree. Functioning as an accredited American institution, UoPeople allows for students from all around the world to benefit from high-quality education without going into debt.
Admissions Requirements & How to Apply
Traditional American universities generally request for high school transcripts, have a minimum GPA requirement, request a minimum SAT/ACT standardized test score, want a personal statement, and potentially an interview — and that’s all just to apply!
At University of the People, the admission requirements are purposely easily achievable because the goal of the school is to be made accessible to anyone, regardless of their situation and educational history.
That’s why the requirements to apply are as follows:
- Be 16 years or older
- Can demonstrate high school completion
- Be proficient in English
Low-Cost Alternative
Since UoPeople is entirely online, there are no overhead costs to managing a campus. Additionally, professors volunteer their time which means that costs are not passed on to students.
Instead, UoPeople respects its mission by offering tuition-free education. The only costs associated with earning a degree from UoPeople are an application fee of $60 and course assessment fees of $100 per course. The exception is the Master’s in Business Administration, where course assessment fees are $200.
Additionally, should students need assistance to cover course assessment fees, they can apply for scholarships through the university.
Degree Types and What You’ll Learn
At UoPeople, students can choose to enroll in Business Administration to earn their associate degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree.
Regardless of the level of the degree earned, you will learn how to:
- Analyze core business processes
- Think systemically
- Manage the decision process
- Prepare economic analyses
- Position organizations for a competitive advantage
- Formulate strategic and tactical direction
- Understand the effective uses of technology
- Support and encourage a culture of innovation
- Manage conflict and foster collaboration
- Apply techniques for delegation and empowerment
- Understand influence of culture and globalization on organizations
- Work in groups and display enhanced interpersonal skills
Each program level will require a different investment of time:
- Associate: Requires the completion of 60 semester hour credits, with completion of 5 proctored exams
- Bachelor’s: Requires the completion of 120 semester hour credits, with completion of 11 proctored exams
- Master’s: Requires the completion of 36 semester hour credits, with completion of 8 core courses and 3 graduate elective courses
The curriculum is designed to prepare students to enter the business world with all the skills, tools and knowledge they need to be successful. This is done through a carefully curated selection of coursework. Some of the major courses include:
- Principles of Management
- Basic Accounting
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Business Communications
- Personal Finance
- Multinational Management
To see the complete curriculum for each degree, click on these links: Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s.
Quality of Education
With small classes and global connection, University of the People offers a unique approach to higher education.
Small class sizes are typically less than 30 students and well-renowned professors from around the world facilitate courses. The main method of learning at UoPeople is based on a pedagogical model that promotes peer-to-peer learning. The theory behind the pedagogical model is that studying within communities is more motivating and challenging than reading alone or listening to online lectures.
Within the online study communities, students share resources, exchange ideas, discuss weekly topics, submit assignments, and take exams. The curriculum is supported by course instructors who participate in class discussions and oversee all courses.
While you’re working together and on your own, there are requirements that must be met to continue studying, which include: weekly readings, participation, peer assessment tasks, discussion forum responses, Learning Journal activities, and written assignments; there are also quizzes throughout the course and a final exam or project at the end of the term.
With the online nature of the degree, the flexibility of how and when you study is completely up to you. Additionally, you’re not alone in the process. Students have a program advisor by their side who is readily available to help with any questions or concerns.
Top-Notch Academic Leadership
A group of professors and professionals within the field of business work alongside the Dean of Business Administration at UoPeople to design quality curriculums and facilitate courses that challenge and reward students.
Dr. Russell S. Winer served as University of the People’s Dean of Business Administration, and he is also a Professor of Marketing at the Stern School of Business at New York University (NYU). He has authored more than 60 papers and has served as editor of multiple well-known publications. Along with being on the faculties of Columbia University, Vanderbilt University, and University of California, Berkeley, he has his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Administration from Carnegie Mellon University.
Assisting in devising the Business Administration program at UoPeople is a long list of volunteers who are professors and professionals within the field of business globally.
The group works together to ensure the high quality of the degree.
Source: Unsplash
What’s Next: Careers
By earning your degree in Business Administration, you are opening the door to a wide set of opportunities within the working world. Depending on the level of your degree, the salaries and roles that you quality for will differ, but some job titles for those with a background in Business Administration include:
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Executive Officer
- Marketing Manager
- Marketing Coordinator
- Operations Manager
- Consultant
- General Manager
- Financial Advisor
- Customer Services Manager
- Operations Associate
The job outlook is promising because virtually all industries have positions that require people with backgrounds in business administration. From car dealerships to major corporations, local government to hospitals, and insurance companies to marketing agencies, graduates with a Business Administration degree are in high demand worldwide.
Want More?
Online schools like UoPeople offer an immensely gratifying experience for earning one’s degree. The flexibility, affordability and quality of the education is unparalleled, and it offers a low-cost alternative to increase your future salary potential.
For more information, check out some FAQs here. UoPeople also shares webinars from the MBA program, which you can watch here.
If you’d like to speak to someone directly, there’s always someone available to help you answer all your questions.