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UoPeople Annual Survey 2020

Updated: June 19, 2024 | Published: May 6, 2020

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: May 6, 2020


Another revolution around the sun means another round of feedback from our student body at the University of the People. At UoPeople, we take pride in offering students from around the world an education that is affordable, top-quality, and accessible with nothing more than an internet connection.

With our interactive online model of education, we love to receive feedback on how our students feel each year. In this year’s Annual Survey, we asked a lot of questions and received an overwhelming response of answers!

We greatly appreciate our students’ feedback, especially because of how unique our institution runs both in terms of our global student body, as well as our online and tuition-free model. Our ability to provide this level of higher education tuition-free is only possible thanks to our talented team of volunteers and professors who dedicate their time to our students.

As such, our brilliant students have taken part in four degree-granting programs that have allowed them to:

  • Start their careers
  • Increase their salaries
  • Make a career change after earning a previous degree
  • Earn their degree while supporting a family
  • Attend school while working
  • Meet and work alongside peers from across the world
  • Enhance their job security

These are just some of the ways in which the University of the People can enrich your life. Don’t take it from us — take it from the students themselves.

In 2020, we surveyed 2,145 students. Here’s a look at some of the highlights from what they had to share!

An Increasingly Satisfied Student Body

Last year, our 2019 Annual Survey went to just over 17,000 enrolled students. In 2020, the number of students enrolled at the University of the People increased to 31,474. These students have logged in from over 200 countries and territories around the world.

Are You Satisfied With Your Education At UoPeople?

More important than the numbers of enrolled students is the level of satisfaction they felt from their education. To exemplify, 94% of students answered “yes” when asked if they are satisfied with their education at UoPeople. Additionally, 96% would recommend UoPeople to their friends.

Would You Recommend UoPeople To Your Friends?

96% of students would recommend UoPeople to friends

One of the main reasons why students feel satisfied when they graduate with a degree from UoPeople is because 93% say that UoPeople helped them achieve their goals. With an array of programs to choose from (Health Science, Business Administration, Computer Science, and Education), the University of the People offers degrees at the levels of Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s.

Did UoPeople Help You Achieve Your Goals?

93% feel that UoPeople helped them achieve their goals

Can I Work While I Study?

The majority of students (73% to be exact) report that they have dependents they help support, even while they attend UoPeople. Whether this means that they are helping take care of parents or children, a lot of students hold a job while earning their degree. This is possible because of the nature of online college.

Do You Have Dependents For Whom You Are Primarily Responsible?

73% of UoPeople have dependents

For example, students get to choose when and where they log on to learn. While there are requirements to fulfill in order to earn your degree, as well as maximum numbers of semesters one can remain enrolled, the learning environment is extremely flexible.

Compared to an on-campus school where classes are only offered at certain times and attendance may even count towards your grade, the expectations and setup of online college is dramatically different.

To better depict how one may balance work and school, here’s a look at how many hours per week our student body worked while earning their degree this past year:

Hours Students Worked Per Week

Pie chart hours UoPeople students work while studying

As you can see, half of students who worked had a full-time job of 40+ hours per week while attending UoPeople!

An Education That Sparks Change

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Not only does a degree equip you to enter the workplace well prepared, but the University of the People also teaches lifelong, valuable skills that can be used to change the world.

On a big scale or a small scale, the way in which you conduct yourself on a daily basis has the power to affect the world. Students who learn at UoPeople — thanks to its online nature — hone in on transferable life skills like:

  • Time management
  • Communication skills
  • Technological acumen
  • Cultural understanding
  • Work/life balance

In fact, 88% of respondents who attended UoPeople reported that if they had the choice to earn their degree again, they would choose to do so at UoPeople.

While everyone comes from different life circumstances, the opportunity to earn one’s education is not as easy for some as it is for others. Whether it be the high and rising cost of a degree that prohibits students from learning, or the physical lack of resources/schools in some countries, online colleges are changing the world for the better.

Do You Find Your Classes Intellectually Fulfilling?

96% of students would recommend UoPeople to friends and find classes intellectually fulfilling

Education and knowledge is one thing that can never be stripped away from a person. In fact, 91% of students said they “use course knowledge learned at UoPeople in daily life”. For this reason, it’s a worthwhile investment of time to take part in earning your degree.

Plus, it’s enjoyable! Take it from the 89% of students at the University of the People who agree that they “feel excited by their classes”, and the 96% of students who said that they find their classes at UoPeople to be “intellectually fulfilling”.

Do You Feel Excited About Your Classes?

89% of UoPeople students are excited about classes

The Power Of Education For All

Every year, our survey sheds light on the education at the University of the People. And, every year, our world undergoes its own fair share of innovation, changes, and challenges.

However, our mission and values remain the same — namely that the University of the People believes that access to higher education is a key to world peace and global economic development.

The ability to provide education to students around the world — regardless of their income, gender, age, location, or any other attribute — means that we can support every individual’s potential to make a positive impact during their lifetime.

To our students who have responded to the survey, we thank you for your time, commitment, and effort in reaching your goals!

To prospective students reading these survey results, we openly welcome you into our educational family and we’re here to answer any questions you may have before applying!

At UoPeople, our blog writers are thinkers, researchers, and experts dedicated to curating articles relevant to our mission: making higher education accessible to everyone.
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