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Cyber-Physical Systems: The Digital Future

Updated: July 12, 2022 | Published: April 19, 2021

Updated: July 12, 2022

Published: April 19, 2021


Cyber-physical systems control several objects around us from cars, machines, to even some buildings. We might not be aware of it, but in this way, computers are directly impacting the world around us.

It might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but in reality, cyber-physical systems are nothing to be suspicious of. They’re often used to improve conditions and processes in different industries that can ultimately lead to a better quality of life for everyone.

If you’re curious to learn more about cyber-physical systems and how they work, then keep reading to find out more.

What are Cyber-Physical Systems?

network of cyber-physical systems

According to RMIT University’s Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group Leader, Professor Roberto Sabatini, cyber-physical systems “combine, and build on, elements from different scientific theories and engineering disciplines, including cybernetics, embedded systems, distributed control, sensor networks, control theory, and systems engineering.”

In other words, cyber-physical systems integrate both hardware and software in order to perform a defined task. These systems combine factors like embedded computing and sensor networks to control a physical environment, and in order to accomplish this, there must be three elements present: communication, control, and computing.

All of us interact in one way or another with systems every day. Many of these systems are controlled by computer systems, such as our phones, cars, or a voice-activated device. These systems aren’t only used consciously, as in by engaging with your phone, but also through actions we perform.

Take driving, for example. This is a very common cyber-physical system where a machine is controlled by a centralized computer that regulates everything from breaking, to direction on a map, to the air flow in a vehicle.

We can also see examples of cyber-physical systems in other areas of our lives, like in factories where processes are automated by machines and computers. This type of cyber-physical system impacts the quality of our lives by making it easier for workers to process items in what would otherwise be a more complicated production line.

Often, several different cyber-physical systems work together in a larger establishment, such as an airport. In an airport, you’ll find several machines working together throughout the entire place, such as arrival and departure signs, security check systems, check-in systems, and more.

What is the Challenge with Cyber-Security Systems?

It may seem simple from the outside, and that’s because the average person doesn’t pay attention to how these cyber-security systems work around out. However, in reality, these systems can be tricky to build and to maintain.

Take the airport cyber-security systems, for example. If one element of the airport’s system crashes, it can cause major difficulties throughout the entire airport that can lead to missed flights, delays, or even security breaches. In this case, the failure of a cyber-security system can have a marked negative impact on the real-world.

Today, we’re only seeing the beginning of how cyber-security systems can be used in the world. Of course, any substantial cyber-security system will have professionals and engineers monitoring it. But in order to avoid potentially catastrophic results due to a system failure, we still need to make large improvements to cyber-security systems overall before we see them used to their full potential.

Cyber-Physical Innovation

woman on computers working on cyber-physical systems 

We’re just beginning to see innovative uses for cyber-physical systems in a number of different industries.

For starters, the aviation industry is beginning to hire more cyber-physical system experts to implement new technologies that can ultimately help them bring down costs and increase reliability.

In the agriculture industry, cyber-physical systems can work to identify areas of a crop that need special attention and then deliver pesticides directly there instead of using them unnecessarily across an entire area. It can also help provide better management about the environment, like soil, water, or humidity so that resources are allocated more efficiently.

In medicine, cyber-physical systems are being used to monitor patients remotely without using invasive procedures. This type of technology can be beneficial for healthcare workers who want to monitor the status of older people and can reduce the number of seniors who need to move to assisted living homes or be under regular supervision.

In the manufacturing field, cyber-physical systems can help improve processes and make tasks more efficient. This would make manufacturing more cost-effective, lowering costs related to things like maintenance and production.

Real-World Examples of Cyber-Physical Systems

Understanding how cyber-physical systems might work to help innovate in different industries is helpful in seeing why it might be important. But it’s also interesting to see where we’re at today with cyber-physical systems that are currently in place.

One example of a current cyber-physical system is at MIT’s Distributed Robot Garden. In this unique venture, robots take care of a tomato garden. Each tomato plant is fitted with a sensor, and the robots keep track of a plant’s status to see how it’s doing or if it needs specific attention.

Another example from MIT is its CarTel project, where information from a fleet of taxis is gathered in real time in a select area. The system then uses all this data to find the quickest routes at different times throughout the day.

To Wrap Up

Cyber-physical systems are an exciting new technology that has only recently emerged, but it’s clear to see the endless opportunities and advantages that will come about once it becomes more developed and widely used.

In order to prepare for a career in cyber-physical system development or management, you should begin with something related to the field of computers or engineering.

At University of the People, we offer computer science degree programs that can help start you off on the right foot. All of our programs are tuition-free and take place entirely online, so you don’t have to worry about relocating to earn a degree.