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Maintain Work-Life Balance While Earning Your Online MBA

Published: February 9, 2024

Published: February 9, 2024

Maintain work-life balance in online MBA programs Header

Our mobile devices and email keep us connected to others 24-7, requiring us to juggle work and personal tasks without much time for self-care. Adding additional responsibilities, like an MBA program, may be overwhelming to consider. 

Work-life balance is the key to navigating a busy life. Many people have successfully balanced earning an MBA with a full-time job, and you can too. If you want to follow this path, the tips below will help you manage your commitments and succeed in your academic goals.

a female student earning her MBA online

What are the Benefits of an MBA?

An MBA, or Master of Business Administration, is a prestigious, advanced academic degree that equips graduates with a comprehensive understanding of business and management. With a focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on experience, an MBA program cultivates the skills necessary for students to become effective leaders and strategic decision-makers in the dynamic business world.

Most MBA programs take between two to three years to complete, even longer if a student is enrolled part-time while working full-time. Online programs can make the commitment easier to handle by offering all classes in an asynchronous format, meaning you can access the course content and complete the assignments on your own schedule.

UoPeople’s online MBA program is flexible, which means it is designed for working professionals, parents juggling many roles, and learners resuming studies after a long gap. It offers asynchronous classes, and its 12 courses can be completed in as little as seven months. As you complete the program, you will learn how to effectively plan, manage, structure, and monitor business activities; provide innovative solutions to real-world business problems; and successfully navigate a globally connected business world. 

If you want to refine your skills in a specific field and stand out in today’s highly competitive job market, you can add a certificate in finance, marketing, strategy, entrepreneurship, or accounting to your MBA with UoPeople.  

Pursuing an MBA is a strategic investment in one’s professional development. Beyond what you learn in the classroom, the MBA experience often includes networking opportunities, internships, and exposure to industry leaders, helping students develop a professional network. An MBA degree also serves as a hallmark of expertise, opening doors to diverse career paths and enhancing one’s potential for advancement within the business world.

How to Maintain Work-Life Balance While Earning an Online MBA

Balancing the demands of a full-time job and your personal and family obligations is possible, if you focus on maintaining your work-life balance. Below, we review tips to help you succeed.

Communicate Clearly

Effective communication in all areas of your life will help you retain your work-life balance as you take on academic coursework. First, communicate your educational goals to your supervisor and colleagues. Alert them to potential changes in your work schedule and set clear expectations around when you will and won’t be available for work. Managing the expectations of your coworkers will enable you to give your best to both your job and your studies.

Likewise, you should also communicate with your instructors, program advisors, and peers about other life obligations you are managing. Asynchronous online MBA programs demand a sense of self-discipline; therefore, the ability to clearly articulate both your needs and limits is crucial. Inform instructors about any work-related obligations you may have and seek guidance on managing deadlines to ensure a more balanced academic journey. Clear communication should also extend to any groups you are completing projects with. By establishing deadlines and formulating a meeting calendar at the outset of a group project, all group members will know what is expected of them and can plan their own schedules accordingly.

Manage Your Time

Time management is key to managing your professional obligations, personal responsibilities, and academic pursuits. At its essence, effective time management is the art of allocating the limited hours in your day to ensure you are giving time to your priorities.

A quick Google search will deliver a wide range of time management options, but selecting one that works for you is a very personal choice. Some people prefer using a digital task management system like Todoist, while others like to cross items off of their paper lists. Time blocking is a popular time management strategy involving creating blocks of time on your calendar for each task you must accomplish in a day. This method allows you to compartmentalize your activities and allocate dedicated time for each area of your life.

The ability to prioritize your tasks is a linchpin of effective time management. By determining which of your responsibilities is urgent, you can channel your energy towards tasks that demand immediate attention while also planning for your longer-term goals. This strategic approach minimizes stress, enhances productivity, and fosters a sense of control over one’s time.

Set SMART Goals

If you take the time to set goals, they can serve as a roadmap to help you manage your professional, academic, and personal lives. To set truly helpful goals, you can use the SMART goal method. The SMART acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound. 

Specific goals should be clear and well-defined, outlining precisely what is to be achieved, who is involved, what resources are required, and why the goal is important. 

Measurable goals specify quantifiable data that will help you to track your progress and determine when you’ve achieved the goal. Examples of measurable goals could be “I will write down three priority tasks for each day and focus on them first” or “I will stop working at 5 p.m. so I can eat dinner before doing my MBA homework.”

Achievable goals are realistic and feasible within the time frame and constraints you are working within. If you set a goal that you are unable to achieve, you will feel discouraged. Instead, make sure your goals are challenging but still attainable, so you can build on your feelings of success.

Relevant goals should align with your broader life goals, ensuring that what you are working on is purposeful and directly contributes to your success. If you are earning an MBA, a relevant goal would be to take two courses at a time until you complete your degree. Choosing a goal to pursue a new hobby at the same time you are in an MBA program would not be relevant to your academic goals, and instead could distract you.

Finally, time-bound goals should include deadlines within a specific timeframe, to establish a sense of urgency and prevent procrastination. It is important to review your time-bound goals at least weekly, to ensure you are on track and to reschedule items you may not have accomplished.

a male MBA student jogging to unwind

Find a Support System

A support system can provide you with a sturdy anchor in the turbulent sea of commitments and is important to maintaining work-life balance. Your support system can include family members, friends, colleagues, fellow students, therapists, advisors, mentors, or neighbors. They are there to offer empathy and understanding during challenging times, and to celebrate your achievements alongside you. 

In a professional setting, a support system can be instrumental in navigating career challenges. Colleagues, mentors, or industry peers within your network can offer valuable insights, guidance, and mentorship. This collaborative approach not only enhances problem-solving but also fosters a sense of camaraderie within the workplace, contributing to a positive and supportive work environment.

In your personal life, your friends and family provide a sounding board for your aspirations, fears, and joys. Their presence and encouragement offer a sense of validation, reinforcing the importance of personal pursuits alongside professional obligations. This emotional reinforcement is crucial for maintaining resilience and a positive mindset.

Don’t be afraid to ask your support system for help when you need it. As you work through your MBA program, you may need someone to babysit your child, make a meal for you, or drive your elderly parent to a doctor’s appointment. Your support system can give you a hand when you need it, allowing you to focus on your academic goals and improve your work-life balance.

Set Boundaries

Boundaries are the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy and sustainable work-life balance. They create a framework that safeguards your well-being amidst the many demands of a busy life. 

First and foremost, boundaries establish a clear distinction between your work, academic, and personal lives. In the age of constant connectivity, where smartphones and remote work blur the lines between professional and personal spaces, setting boundaries becomes crucial. By defining specific work hours and designating personal time, you can create a structured routine that will prevent work intrusions into your time for family, schoolwork, and self-care.

Moreover, setting boundaries is a form of self-advocacy. It communicates to employers, colleagues, and even yourself the limits and priorities that are essential for maintaining your sense of balance. You are acknowledging that personal time is not a luxury but a fundamental aspect of overall well-being.

Boundaries are also instrumental in managing stress and preventing burnout. Clearly defining your limits on work hours helps to create a protective shield against the demands of professional life. This protective barrier allows you to recharge, recover, and return to work with renewed energy and focus.

Pursuing an MBA amid a busy life may seem daunting. However, the potential benefits of investing in an MBA are significant. The comprehensive knowledge, skills, and networking opportunities provided by an MBA program can elevate your career, open doors to diverse opportunities, and increase your earning potential.

Successfully managing the demands of a full-time job, academic pursuits, and a personal life requires a deliberate approach to work-life balance. By incorporating the strategies listed above into your daily life, you can not only navigate the challenges of pursuing an online MBA but also maintain a healthy equilibrium. Remember, achieving balance is not only crucial for your immediate success but is also a sustainable foundation for long-term well-being and fulfillment.