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Here’s How I Became a Cybersecurity Expert 

Robert W., MBA

Published: November 8, 2023

Published: November 8, 2023


I’ve lived in the Portland, Oregon region for most of my life. I never thought I would be able to earn a master’s degree. In my teens, we struggled financially and lived in trucks and hotels for several years. Looking back, earning my master’s seemed an impossibility, but here I am. You might be wondering, “How did I get here?” 

How I Earned My MBA and Got a Job at Amazon Web Services 

I found my skills were very well suited for Information Technology. I’ve been successfully employed in the IT industry for the last eight years.  

While trying to climb the career ladder, I found one of the main requirements companies had for employment was a Computer Science degree. Not wanting to gather more student loan debt and swearing off going back to in-person classes, I decided to look for online colleges. My goal was to take computer science courses on my own time. My search led me to University of the People because it offered major incentives: tuition-free, online, and great flexibility.   

I decided to apply in 2017 and was accepted. I graduated in 2020. 

But I didn’t stop there. I really wanted to stand out to potential employers, so I began earning my Master’s in Business Administration. UoPeople made it really easy to manage my courses during studying for my Bachelor’s so I chose them once again to pursue my MBA. I’m pleased to share that I graduated in October 2022.  

male MBA student

Since starting my academic career in 2017, I have had three different jobs, each pushing me to the next level of my career. 

I currently provide technical support in the cloud at Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Fortune 500 companies. My MBA helped me to achieve new heights in my career. It also gave me a better understanding of how business decisions are made and what tools I can use to better provide support for my customers.  

For all prospective and current UoPeople learners, here are my quick tips to stay motivated and engaged: 

Take Your Time Learning. There is No Rush 

Pursuing a master’s degree is difficult, to say the least, however, I found great success in dedicating one day to do my assignments during the week. As my work schedule was consistent, I usually took Sunday to do all of my homework, and any extra time I needed for assignments or readings I would schedule on Wednesday evening. So, go make a schedule that serves you best.  

Make Learning a Habit 

Spend thirty minutes a day learning something.  It is easy to spend your day coasting and doing the activities you love or binge-watching shows on Netflix.  However, by setting aside time to learn, you empower and motivate yourself to achieve more daily. 

Take Time Off of School When You Need It 

Education does not need to be rushed.  Your life gets busy at times throughout the year. Taking breaks helps you not to get drained or burned out. 

Set a timetable to complete your education and obtain your degree, however, take time off if you need it, and enjoy your time when you take a break.   

Build a Comprehensive Notebook and Keep Your Homework Available 

Nothing has been more effective at making me successful in my MBA classes than keeping a notebook handy.  Some may like to have physical notebooks, but I prefer online tools such as Microsoft One Note where I take quick notes of articles I’ve read, and relevant information to the classes I’m taking either through learning materials of the class or news articles I have read.  Having a notebook ready in some cases made assignments easier to do since I could reference my notes regarding assignments. 

Believe in Yourself 

Life is constantly throwing you curveballs that can make pursuing your degree difficult or hard. I certainly have felt this during my time pursuing higher education.  But it is important to remember that those moments are fleeting and that pursuing your degree is a step in the right direction.  

I hold close to my heart something my grandpa once said, “You spent ten years of your life believing in Santa, you can easily spend a few years believing in yourself.”  

So, fellow learners, believe in yourself when life gets difficult. I did it and you can too! 

About the Author 

Robert Wright works to further his career in Cybersecurity by going to conferences and upskilling where necessary. He hopes to soon become a Cybersecurity Engineer and is currently working for Amazon Web Services by helping Fortune 500 companies support and manage their cloud computing environment.  In his free time, he likes to do tabletop gaming with his family and friends and loves pursuing his hobbies such as 3D printing, leatherworking, and doing woodworking Projects.