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The Best Entry Level Jobs To Help You Get Your Dream Career

Updated: June 19, 2024 | Published: August 15, 2019

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: August 15, 2019


Entering the workforce for the first time is both exciting and overwhelming. From landing your first job to getting acclimated to the work culture, there will be a lot of changes occurring at once. The best entry level jobs offer new employees with a chance to learn new skills, assimilate into a positive work environment and provide the potential to move their way up the ladder.

Every college degree comes with its own set of possible entry level jobs within the field. Depending on the industry you’d like to break into, the methods by which to network may be slightly different — but no matter what, an associate’s or bachelor’s degree is usually the best first step to make your way into the workforce.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

What is an Entry Level Job?

An entry level job is designed for those who have recently graduated or have little prior work experience. They typically don’t require previous work experience, and as such, they offer on-the-job training to get new employees up to speed.

Although entry level jobs are not the highest paying jobs, they offer a starting point to learn the industry and grow from there. After all, you have to start somewhere.

What to Look for in an Entry Level Job

A job has to suit a person as much as a person suits a job. What you look for in a job is subjective, but a few things to take into consideration when applying for your first position include:

1. Work Culture:

Do you like a laid back environment or work better under pressure?

2. Growth Potential:

You want to find somewhere with which you can grow and continuously learn to advance your career.

3. Company Size:

Would you prefer a startup where you wear many hats or a big organization that is already divided in departments with set responsibilities?

4. Salary:

While salary shouldn’t be the number one concern when getting started, it’s still important to ensure the job meets your financial needs and consider the various benefits like medical and paid time off.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Best Entry Level Jobs

There are many good entry level jobs across industries. Here, we will take a look at some of the best entry level position titles because they offer room for growth and attractive starting salaries. From the private to public sector, these positions all play an integral role in the functioning of businesses.

1. Biomedical Engineer:

Biomedical engineers design equipment that relates to healthcare. They create devices and artificial organs, for example. The average salary for an entry-level biomedical engineer is $59,982. A bachelor’s degree is generally the minimum educational requirement to enter the field.

2. Financial Analyst:

Financial analysts work on behalf of individuals and institutions to evaluate investment opportunities. The average starting salary is $55,957. Like a biomedical engineer, a bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement to be a financial analyst. To continue in the profession, increase your salary and take leadership roles, a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) is advisable.

3. Customer Service Representative:

Customer service representatives work across industries to offer support to customers and take care of their needs. On average, their starting salary is $41,263 a year. To become a customer service representative, the minimum requirement depends on the job and organization, but some employers will accept previous experience and a high school diploma while others will want at least an associate’s degree.

4. Sales Representative:

Sales representatives exist across industries to help sell a product or service. Oftentimes, their average starting salary of $44,319 is compounded by commission. The minimum educational requirements for a sales representative is like that of a customer service representative.

5. Software Engineer / Web Developer:

Software developers create computer programs and web developers create web programs. The average starting salary for a software engineer is $72,117 and a web developer is $44,864. To become either a software engineer or a web developer, a bachelor’s degree in computer science is necessary.

6. Marketing Associate:

Marketing associates help to execute marketing campaigns and activities. They generally work with marketing managers and executives to ensure operations run smoothly. Their average starting salary is $52,718. Marketing associates generally earn their bachelor’s degree in marketing, communication or business administration.

7. Copywriter:

Copywriters either work freelance, for agencies or in-house in organizations to create the written content that goes along with the graphic design for websites, marketing materials and more. The average starting salary for a copywriter is $39,648. Most employers seek copywriters with a bachelor’s degree in communication, business administration, English, advertising, journalism or a related field.

8. Network Engineer:

A network engineer works with technology to oversee and implement computer networking systems to ensure their proper functioning. Their average salary is $56,025. Network engineers enter the field with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science or programming. Some employees may seek those with an MBA in information systems.

Tips to Land A Job

When it comes to finding your first job, it’s important to have an up-to-date resume. If you’re still in college, you can create your college student resume and start applying for jobs. It’s also important to network as much as possible at job fairs during school, events and online through professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

If all goes well, you will land an interview, either by phone or in-person, where you will be able to showcase your skills and, hopefully, land the job!

The Bottom Line

When it comes down to it, higher education and a minimum of an associate’s degree is generally the first step in preparing oneself to enter the workforce. As you continue to earn higher degrees, whether it be a bachelor’s or master’s, you will expand your job opportunities and salary potential.

It’s important to remember that the prime consideration you should take when starting a job is to actually love what you’re doing so that you will feel fulfilled and satisfied day in and day out.

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